Moscow’s metro of magnificence
You may have heard about Moscow’s metro system. If you haven’t, do yourself a favour and take a ride on it sometime. It’s one of the most breathtaking public transport experiences available to you, and on top of all that, it’s super cheap.
The system was opened in 1935 and as of 2017 it had grown to almost 345km of track from its original 11km. That makes it the world’s fifth longest system, but few of those above or below it on that list can boast the beauty of Moscow’s stations. A grand total of 44 of its more than 200 stations are declared cultural heritage sites, and when you walking inside them, it’s easy to see why. Travel on the system is incredibly cheap — a ticket anywhere in the city costs less than $1, and trains are on time.
Best of all, you can take photos freely down there without a permit, provided you’re not using a flash or a tripod, which is challenging but far more open than many of its western equivalents. In fact there are even designated “selfie spots” dotted on the floors of many of the stations. You could say photography is actively encouraged by the authorities, which is so refreshing. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been questioned while taking photos in public places in Sydney. At stations, forget it, not that any of them are worth photographing anyway.
The history of Moscow’s metro is also pretty awesome. Stalin gave speeches during World War II in some of them, they protected citizens from German bombs during that same conflict, and in the case of Mayakoyskaya station, acted as a central anti-aircraft command post. Not a bad place to work while the world above you is falling to pieces.
Here is a selection of shots from some of the stations we visited while in Moscow, but if you do get a chance to see these locations with your own eyes, I’d urge you to do so.
Mayakovskaya Station
Opened: 11 September 1938
Russian spelling: Маяковская
Line: No.2 Zamoskvoretskaya (Green)

Mayakovskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Komsomolskaya Station
Opened: 30 January 1952
Russian spelling: Комсомо́льская
Line: No.5 Koltsevaya (Brown)

Komsomolskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Elektrozavodskaya Station
Opened: 15 May 1944
Russian spelling: Электрозаводская
Line: No.3 Arbatsko–Pokrovskaya (Dark Blue)

Elektrozavodskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Novoslobodskaya Station
Opened: 30 January 1952
Russian spelling: Новослобо́дская
Line: No.5 Koltsevaya (Brown)

Novoslobodskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Taganskaya Station
Opened: 1 January 1950
Russian spelling: Тага́нская
Line: No.5 Koltsevaya (Brown)

Taganskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Kiyevskaya Station
Opened: 20 March 1937
Russian spelling: Киевская
Line: No.4 Filyovskaya (Light Blue)

Kiyevskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Arbatskaya Station
Opened: 5 April 1953
Russian spelling: Арба́тская
Line: No.3 Arbatsko–Pokrovskaya (Dark Blue)

Arbatskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Baumanskaya Station
Opened: 18 January 1944
Russian spelling: Бауманская
Line: No.3 Arbatsko–Pokrovskaya (Dark Blue)

Baumanskaya Station | Moscow Metro
TVERskaya Station
Opened: 20 July 1979
Russian spelling: Тверская
Line: No.2 Zamoskvoretskaya (Green)

Tverskaya Station | Moscow Metro
Aeroport Station
Opened: 11 September 1938
Russian spelling: Аэропо́рт
Line: No.2 Zamoskvoretskaya (Green)

Aeroport | Moscow Metro
SOKOL Station
Opened: 11 September 1938
Russian spelling: Со́кол
Line: No.2 Zamoskvoretskaya (Green)

Sokol Station | Moscow Metro